
Showing posts from October, 2021

Dragonwatch: Return of the Dragon Slayers Review

  For this review I will be focusing on Dragonwatch: Return of the Dragon Slayers  by Brandon Mull. This is the fifth book in the Dragonwatch series and the series is the second in the Fablehaven universe. This book ties together all the loose ends throughout the this second series and keeps you on your toes through the whole thing.  This book was released on Tuesday, October 26, only a couple days ago, to which I got the book and couldn't put it down. I have finished it and I will say it is EXCELLENT. I loved this book and thought it was so, so good. Brandon Mull is a great writer. The books are meant for a younger audience, at Indigo you will find these in the Fiction 9-12 section, but similar to books like Harry Potter, the writing is so well done that adults would have no problem getting into this book. He uses great descriptions, well shaped dialogue and loveable characters in all his series and I was happy to see them to the end of their ten book journey. In this book I liked

Ophelians: Time Travel

  Hello, my second book is now available for purchase on Amazon and Apple Books! Amazon carries Ophelians:  Time Travel   as a paperback and an eBook! Apple Books carries the eBook as well!  When Savanna and her family choose to befriend a new family of magical people, trouble is knocking on their door again. The group discovers time travel magic and gets themselves into serious trouble. The Ophelians’s family legacy and history is threatened and is close to being torn apart. Even worse, Savanna and Brandon’s relationship is being tested and stretched as they try to overcome yet another crisis. Now, Savanna, Brandon and her family will have to work together to save their own history and each other. Their trip through the past tests their limits and helps them to discover new things about themselves, making the stakes even higher.  Join the Ophelians on their newest adventure and see just how strong their family is. Will they make it through this crisis, or will they finally be bested b

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass Review

  This review is going to look at both Alice's Adventures in Wonderland  and Through the Looking Glass . These stories often come together in the same edition, and that's how I read them. I read both stories in one go and let me tell you I did not like either of them. I remember when those Alice in Wonderland movies were made sometimes in the early 2010's and they were action packed filled with actual adventures. So I figured that there would be some of the same kind of adventures in the book, too. I was wrong. There was not. I read some two or three hundred pages waiting and waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. No adventures of cinematic proportions. There wasn't even a stand off with the Jabbawoky. Just a little song about it.  Alice was whiny. I understand she's a child but I've read plenty of books where children are the main character and they are way braver and less whiny than she is. Most child heroes in stories usually are. All she does is c

Six of Crows Review

  For this review I will be focusing on Six of Crows  by Leigh Bardugo. She is the same author that wrote the Shadow and Bone series. This series is in the same Grishaverse, but takes place slightly after the first series. If you've watched the show you have some exposure to the characters in this book, but the show doesn't spoil anything.  I liked the characters in this book. They are rough around the edges and violent and just mostly unfortunate people to encounter. Personally, my favourite character was Kaz. He was great. He's one of those bad boys who is only soft for his one girl. He is a tough nut to crack and I love watching his character unravel as the story progresses.  The little band of street thugs in this book are one of those groups that you want to be apart of. You want to be cool like them and be apart of the adventure. I like the diversity in the characters' backgrounds and how they all have faults or things that truly define them as people. They have f

On Writing Review

  This review is a bit different than the other ones I have done so far. The other books I’ve looked at have been fictional books, this is a memoir sort of nonfiction book. This review will be on On Writing  by Stephen King. Stephen King’s book follows his early years and into young adulthood, and how he got to the place where he was when he wrote the book in the late 90’s. The second half of the book is about his writing toolbox as he calls it, outlining things he thinks are a key part of writing.  I don’t usually read this type of book. I’m not one for nonfiction or memoirs. This one, though, was actually very interesting. I think it’s because I like the way he writes it. He writes very conversationally and casually and it feels almost like he’s verbally telling you a story. I didn’t feel so much like I was reading something more like I was just hearing this story. It also helps that his story is interesting. He doesn’t pretend to be a perfect writer full of all the answers and only

Crazy Rich Asians Review

  This review will be focusing on Crazy Rich Asians  by Kevin Kwan. It is the first of a series of three books, following a girl named Rachel Chu, who gets involved with one of the richest men in China unknowingly, and detailing all the drama that comes with it. It was made into a fantastic movie in 2018, which I would highly recommend watching if you haven't seen it.  The book is a romance novel, but not too romantic, you know? It follows the love story of Rachel and Nick, but also follows a whole other whack of characters, too. The book takes place mainly in Singapore, and the story gives details into the crazy money of the Singaporean rich people. These characters have the kind of money common people like myself could only dream about.  I loved the characters. I loved the story. I really felt involved in this story because Rachel comes from a common background and is thrown into celebrity royalty. She is not used to it and doesn't know how to deal with it and that's some

The Princess Bride Book Review

  This review will be focusing on The Princess Bride  by William Goldman. The original story is told by S. Morgenstern, but Goldman decided he wanted to take all the "good parts" and put it together into a story more accessible to readers. He wrote it in the 70's and it became such a success that they made it into a movie, following his version practically to the word. If you have seen the movie from the 80's, you practically have read this book. Goldman also writes for the movie, making sure that the lines are drawn right from the text. It makes for a very satisfying experience if you are a hardcore fan of the film like I am. The movie is my absolute favourite movie of all time. It does not disappoint and never has, not the first time I watched it and not the hundredth time I watched it. The book was just as amazing. It was filled with the same nostalgia that you get from watching the movie and you get all of the same amazing characters. I will say, though, that the

Shadow and Bone Review

  For my second review I am going to look at Shadow and Bone , the very popular book by Leigh Bardugo. The book is one of three in the Shadow and Bone series and is now a Netflix original.  Shadow and Bone  follows a young girl named Alina who discovers that she is part of the elite race of people within her country called Grisha. She is even rarer than most Grisha, having the ability to summon the sun's light. This puts a target on her back and makes her the most desired ally in the war torn country of Ravka.  Personally, I loved this book, and I loved the series. The book reminds me of Hunger Games  meets Mortal Instruments , and I loved both of those series greatly. I found Alina to be very similar to other heroines, especially similar to the series I mentioned previously. She wants to fight for the greater good but is scared. She does it anyways, though, with the help of her many love interests.  Speaking of her love interests...Mal. I liked Mal, though that is not always the c

Wuthering Heights Review

For my first review, I'm going to look at Wuthering Heights , by Emily Brontë. I read Wuthering Heights  for school in my Victorian Literature class. I didn't think that I would like it, as I'm not usually a fan of Victorian Literature. Yet, when I started it, I really enjoyed it! People always talk about the love story between Heathcliff and Catherine, saying that their love is enviable and a love story for the ages, but I do not agree.  I don't personally like Heathcliff. I think that he is absolutely unhinged. He is manipulative and abusive, taking advantage and destroying the women in his life. He tells Catherine that he was going to kill himself, and uses that to invoke her pity and keep him present in her life, even though she is doing well in her life without him. She is perfectly okay with Edgar, and Heathcliff has to go and ruin it. Not to mention the part where he digs up Catherine's grave and tries to get in it in order to be closer to her. You can not te


  Hello! My name is Lexi and I’m a university student from outside of Toronto, Canada! I have always had a passion for reading and writing, so I thought I would try my hand at publishing a book or two! My first book Ophelians was released in September of 2020, with the help of Tellwell Publishing. Soon, I would like to release my second book in the series (keep your eyes posted for more news on that)!  Second, I would like to use this platform to review books I’ve read! I always love a good review of a book and would love to create a space where good discussion and thoughts can be shared. I read many different types of books and am especially exposed to books outside of my normal range with school readings. I would love to share my thoughts on those, as well.  I am excited to start this literary journey on here and hopefully connect with people who have similar interests as me! Connect with me on social media as well! Twitter: lexi_malm Instagram: lexijmalmbooks Facebook: Lexi J. Malm,