Dragonwatch: Return of the Dragon Slayers Review

 For this review I will be focusing on Dragonwatch: Return of the Dragon Slayers by Brandon Mull. This is the fifth book in the Dragonwatch series and the series is the second in the Fablehaven universe. This book ties together all the loose ends throughout the this second series and keeps you on your toes through the whole thing. 

This book was released on Tuesday, October 26, only a couple days ago, to which I got the book and couldn't put it down. I have finished it and I will say it is EXCELLENT. I loved this book and thought it was so, so good.

Brandon Mull is a great writer. The books are meant for a younger audience, at Indigo you will find these in the Fiction 9-12 section, but similar to books like Harry Potter, the writing is so well done that adults would have no problem getting into this book. He uses great descriptions, well shaped dialogue and loveable characters in all his series and I was happy to see them to the end of their ten book journey.

In this book I liked how all the loose strings you worried about through the whole series are tied up and resolved. I like how they get the happy ending they deserve without too many losses. Although I will say the characters that were lost were sad and he did an excellent job of writing it out. The only thing that didn't get resolved that I wish did was about Tess, and her ability to see fairies and all that. Maybe it did, though, and I missed it.

I think Kendra and Seth, the two main characters are likeable, and relatable. Unlike Alice from my previous review, they are not whiny, and if there is something to whine about they do something about it. They never give up and they keep fighting even when stuff sucks or seems impossible. That's the kind of characters I want to read about. But I will admit that their cousin, Knox, is really annoying. The kind of way that Scrappy Doo's constant need to be tough is annoying, if you know what I mean. 

This book is comfortable in the same way Harry Potter or Percy Jackson is. You get transported into this elaborate world of magic and you get lost in it. Once you're in, it's hard to put the book down. It's the kind of book that is so good you forget you're even reading. 

I think everyone should read this book and if you haven't read the others, you should definitely read those. This book is only available as an ebook in Canada, on Kobo, while the other books are available as paperbacks.

Read and Enjoy!


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