Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass Review

 This review is going to look at both Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. These stories often come together in the same edition, and that's how I read them. I read both stories in one go and let me tell you I did not like either of them.

I remember when those Alice in Wonderland movies were made sometimes in the early 2010's and they were action packed filled with actual adventures. So I figured that there would be some of the same kind of adventures in the book, too. I was wrong. There was not.

I read some two or three hundred pages waiting and waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. No adventures of cinematic proportions. There wasn't even a stand off with the Jabbawoky. Just a little song about it. 

Alice was whiny. I understand she's a child but I've read plenty of books where children are the main character and they are way braver and less whiny than she is. Most child heroes in stories usually are. All she does is cry. This is not the child hero we want to see. Realistic maybe, but I'm not reading Alice in Wonderland because of its realistic storyline. 

I also am not a fan of the nonsense writing. I think the story wasn't very good. There wasn't really a plot, just little things that happened and that is not exciting. That is not the type of book I want to read. 

Maybe some people love this book, it's a supposed classic, but I am not one of these people. If you want to have something to do with Alice in Wonderland, save yourself the time and just watch the movie. It is better. The book is not very good. 

If you do really, really want to read it, you can find this book practically anywhere as it is a classic novel. 

Read and Enjoy!


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