The Princess Bride Book Review

 This review will be focusing on The Princess Bride by William Goldman. The original story is told by S. Morgenstern, but Goldman decided he wanted to take all the "good parts" and put it together into a story more accessible to readers. He wrote it in the 70's and it became such a success that they made it into a movie, following his version practically to the word.

If you have seen the movie from the 80's, you practically have read this book. Goldman also writes for the movie, making sure that the lines are drawn right from the text. It makes for a very satisfying experience if you are a hardcore fan of the film like I am.

The movie is my absolute favourite movie of all time. It does not disappoint and never has, not the first time I watched it and not the hundredth time I watched it. The book was just as amazing. It was filled with the same nostalgia that you get from watching the movie and you get all of the same amazing characters.

I will say, though, that the book gives you more on Buttercup. In the film she is a pretty two dimensional character, and she just kind of floats along sadly through the story. In the book, you see more of her character. You see into her thoughts more and how she feels about Westley. Personally, I liked this addition because it made you sympathize with her more when Westley disappears and she's forced to stay with Prince Humperdink.

Westley is still as fantastic as ever and Fezzik and Inigo are clever and funny as in the movie. These three characters play so well together and it makes the story just as lovable as the movie. 

Another thing I will add, is that throughout the book, Goldman pauses to talk about his experiences when reading this book for the first time. He talks about how he thought the book was going to be boring or how he was scared when Buttercup jumped off the boat to escape. You might be thinking, This sounds familiar... It's because, to my great surprise and satisfaction, that the little boy in the movie getting the story read to him is a reflection of Goldman, himself. I loved that.

Overall, I loved this book like I love the movie. I read it this year for the first time and I can assure you I will read it again. It's the nostalgia you need when you're feeling in a slump or when you're down. It's a fairly easy read and it's available in many places, including online as an ebook for very cheap. I'm sure if you looked you'd be able to find a free copy somewhere. I would suggest reading this if you like the movie, and if by some chance, you've never seen it, I would still read the book. You might fall in love with this fantastic story, just as I did. 

Read and Enjoy!!!


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