On Writing Review

 This review is a bit different than the other ones I have done so far. The other books I’ve looked at have been fictional books, this is a memoir sort of nonfiction book. This review will be on On Writing by Stephen King.

Stephen King’s book follows his early years and into young adulthood, and how he got to the place where he was when he wrote the book in the late 90’s. The second half of the book is about his writing toolbox as he calls it, outlining things he thinks are a key part of writing. 

I don’t usually read this type of book. I’m not one for nonfiction or memoirs. This one, though, was actually very interesting. I think it’s because I like the way he writes it. He writes very conversationally and casually and it feels almost like he’s verbally telling you a story. I didn’t feel so much like I was reading something more like I was just hearing this story. It also helps that his story is interesting. He doesn’t pretend to be a perfect writer full of all the answers and only has successes. He talks about his faults and failures and that makes it more relatable. 

I also enjoyed his perspective on his writers toolbox. Some of the things I thought were interesting but I don’t personally do them in my own writing. Yet, I think that’s something to look at. There are no right or wrong answers in writing and if I remember correctly, he says that, but he puts in a few things that should probably be there, which I know I will be taking into account as I try to progress my career in writing.

He also said some of the best writers are good readers. I like that. I like that all my reading is going towards helping me write better. I like that we can take inspiration from other work and put it into our own. I like this idea that reading is necessary, because I find that people are less and less into reading.

 We need to read more! You should start with this book! It’s very good! I read it for school and was so pleasantly surprised. It’s a widely known book so you’ll be able to find it at all major retailers!

Enjoy and Read!!!


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