Wuthering Heights Review

For my first review, I'm going to look at Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë. I read Wuthering Heights for school in my Victorian Literature class. I didn't think that I would like it, as I'm not usually a fan of Victorian Literature. Yet, when I started it, I really enjoyed it!

People always talk about the love story between Heathcliff and Catherine, saying that their love is enviable and a love story for the ages, but I do not agree. 

I don't personally like Heathcliff. I think that he is absolutely unhinged. He is manipulative and abusive, taking advantage and destroying the women in his life. He tells Catherine that he was going to kill himself, and uses that to invoke her pity and keep him present in her life, even though she is doing well in her life without him. She is perfectly okay with Edgar, and Heathcliff has to go and ruin it. Not to mention the part where he digs up Catherine's grave and tries to get in it in order to be closer to her. You can not tell me that that is not weird. 

In regards to the other characters, I have some opinions on them. Catherine (the older one), and Linton Heathcliff are whiny, but at least Catherine can back up her whininess with actions. Linton just whines all over the place and does nothing for himself. I know he's sick, but he can do more for Cathy than he does. He's mean to her. He knows what his father is doing and still subjects Cathy to it all. 

But in terms of actually liking the story itself, I'm one of those people who loves a good dramatic novel. It makes for interesting reading, like reading everyone's gossip, and this book is full of gossip. I ate this novel up just for that reason.

As well, I like Brontë's writing. She doesn't go overboard on descriptions. She doesn't make it too long winded, but the words she does use convey really good imagery and I could picture everything very clearly in my mind. I would rather have smaller descriptions with good dialogue and storyline than over the top descriptions. 

One thing I wanted to point out was how there is a lot of isolation and the effects that the isolation has on the characters in the story. Their mental health is suffering a lot in this isolation. They're the only people on this moor for miles. There is no one but them. I wanted to draw a comparison to the pandemic and our own mental health. The pandemic created a lot of stress and strain on our mental health overall. I found this relatable and found the stress that the characters, particularly the women, felt somewhat understandable. The pandemic forced us to be alone, and some of us with unfortunate living situations. I think that this idea creates a new relation that we can look at and feel with this book. For me, it made the emotions they were feeling more real for me and I could feel them more. 

In conclusion, I really overall liked Wuthering Heights. It is an interesting read and it touches on a lot of topics that are relatable, and if nothing else, it is full of drama to keep you captivated.

You can find this book for free on Apple Books as an eBook, or most libraries, book stores, or even websites. It's a classic! Read and Enjoy! I hope you liked this review!

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