
Dragon Rider (Book One) Review

  Hello Everyone! Today I'm going to be reviewing the book Dragon Rider  by Cornelia Funke. A little history on this book is that it was originally published in German in 1997. Then there was a translation created in English, published in 2004 in the UK a nd the US. The publishing house was different based on where the book was published. Cornelia Funke is an author popular for this book and the Inkheart series, which is also very good. The book is about a boy who meets a dragon and some other magical creatures and go on an adventure to find a safe haven for dragons in the Himalayas. They meet tons of great characters along the way, all while racing to beat an evil dragon named Nettlebrand to the safe haven for dragons, as he wants to wipe out all the other dragons for his own cruel purposes. The characters cross the world in their travels, and travel across multiple different countries/geographic areas such as Europe and India.  The book is written for ages 9 to 12, middle grade,

The Story Keeper News

  Hello Everyone! It's been a long while since I've posted on this page. I'm sorry for that. The year has been busy, and it is only going to get busier, as I am starting Grad School! That being said, that means more books/readings to review! But I'm writing because I have news! My three books, Ophelians, Ophelians: Time Travel  and She Is,  are going to become available on The Story Keeper online bookstore!  The Story Keeper is an online bookstore, with plenty of great books and gifts available for purchase. The owner is incredibly kind and passionate about what they do, and I look forward to working with them closely during this new chapter of my book journey! I'll link the website (copy and paste into your search engine) below so you can check it out and maybe get a little something or enjoy one of their upcoming events! Read and Enjoy!!

She Is Release

  Hello Everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here but I wanted to announce the release of my newest book, She Is !  Here is the description: “  This is a collection of short stories and poems that I have worked on over the years. This collection has allowed me to express my thoughts and feelings onto paper, and has allowed me to grow as a writer. Focusing greatly on romance and love,  She Is  shows the reader the ups and downs of falling in love with someone. The different styles and formats of writing that occur throughout the book allow for the reader to be apart of not only short stories, but personal essays, and poems, too.  She Is  has been described as "emotional" and "raw" and as "putting everything on the page." I am proud to give you  She Is.  I hope you enjoy my work. ” The book is available on Amazon on October 15th, 2023! I hope you enjoy reading this book! Please check it out!

The Hunger Games Review

     My first thought is that the whole premise for the games is so, so messed up.  My second thought is that Suzanne Collins has so artfully created this world and this nation of Panem that I have this sense of discomfort while reading it. That's how powerful her words are. She is graphic with the violence and the horrendous things that go on, and especially with Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss Everdeen in the back of my mind, it's hard to remember that the competitors of the games are just children. But when I do remember, I'm hit hard, knowing that I am nearly eight years older than Katniss is when she enters the games. That is the most shocking part for me. The age of the kids  involved in the games.        I read The Hunger Games  a long time ago, when they first became really popular and the first movie came out. I read them again a few years back. I decided over my reading week that I would pick up the first book and give it another go.      But personally I like the

Exciting News!

  Hey Everyone! I just got some exciting news! My first book, Ophelians, is now available at the Whitby Public Library! My book has been accepted to the Durham Indie Collection, where the library showcases local authors and helps us celebrate our accomplishments.  I am so proud that I am able to be apart of this collection. It is a honour to have my book in a place where I found a love of reading, and a safe environment to learn and grow. I hope that others can read my book and enjoy it in the library.  If you can, go check it out! Thank you so much for your continued support! Read and Enjoy!!

Ophelians Discussion Questions/Writing Prompts

  Hello! I wrote up some discussion questions for my novel, Ophelians , and I thought that they could be useful to teachers or readers who just want to do some more thinking about the book. I find discussion questions/writing prompts are useful because they allow you to think deeper and pull apart certain aspects of the book. As well discussing literature is one of the best parts about reading a good book! You can discuss these aloud in a group, or even write them out as a writing prompt.  I hope you find these useful! Comment below if you like them! When Savanna has her powers reinstated, she seems to become a different person. Do we think power can really change people? Or are they still who they were to begin with underneath the power? Family is very important to Savanna, but her family is not just people who are related to her biologically. Do you think friends can be family? Why or why not? Savanna is terrified of the world knowing who she really is because she thinks that they ar

Frankenstein Review

  For one of my classes in school I read Frankenstein  by Mary Shelley. This book was published in 1818, during the last bit of the Romantic Period. The history of Mary Shelley is very interesting surrounding the book, and I would suggest looking further into it, if you can. One thing I find particularly interesting is that the idea for this story came from a game where Shelley and her friends created stories to scare each other while away at a cabin.  This book is not what I thought it was. I always thought that the story followed the mad doctor, Frankenstein, and his journey to create the monster, and when the monster came to life, went on a brutal rampage in which Frankenstein has to heroically save the day. That is not what happens. Maybe in a movie. But not here.  The book is much better than I thought it would be. I liked that this book is complicated, and that the feelings are complicated and unsettling for the reader. You feel sympathetic for the Creature sometimes. He only wan