Ophelians Discussion Questions/Writing Prompts

 Hello! I wrote up some discussion questions for my novel, Ophelians, and I thought that they could be useful to teachers or readers who just want to do some more thinking about the book. I find discussion questions/writing prompts are useful because they allow you to think deeper and pull apart certain aspects of the book. As well discussing literature is one of the best parts about reading a good book!

You can discuss these aloud in a group, or even write them out as a writing prompt. 

I hope you find these useful! Comment below if you like them!

  1. When Savanna has her powers reinstated, she seems to become a different person. Do we think power can really change people? Or are they still who they were to begin with underneath the power?
  2. Family is very important to Savanna, but her family is not just people who are related to her biologically. Do you think friends can be family? Why or why not?
  3. Savanna is terrified of the world knowing who she really is because she thinks that they are scared of what they don't understand. Do you think we as a society are afraid or hostile towards what we don't understand? If so, give an example.
  4. Savanna's adoptive father got very sick before she met Maia and Dale. It was very hard for her to process and changed her life. Have you ever had to deal with an illness in your family? Did you have people like Maia and Dale to help support you?
  5. Savanna and her family are very in tune with nature. They are constantly outside, experiencing all nature has to offer. Do you think they have the right approach? Is nature important, and should it be apart of our daily lives?
  6. Brandon gets very confused when he first begins to see Savanna's powers. He thinks he must be seeing things and that her magic must be too good to be true. Have you ever seen or heard something that seems too good to be true? What was it?
  7. Maia is very passionate about understanding the lore behind Savanna's family. She's studied hard and done a lot of research. Is there something you're so passionate about that you've done everything you can to learn about it? What was it? Are you still passionate about it?
  8. Savanna holds on to two personal items from her past. Her pendant, and the sword from William. She believes they keep her connected to those people. Do you believe items can keep us connected to those who gave them to us, or those associated with them?


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