The Hunger Games Review

    My first thought is that the whole premise for the games is so, so messed up. My second thought is that Suzanne Collins has so artfully created this world and this nation of Panem that I have this sense of discomfort while reading it. That's how powerful her words are. She is graphic with the violence and the horrendous things that go on, and especially with Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss Everdeen in the back of my mind, it's hard to remember that the competitors of the games are just children. But when I do remember, I'm hit hard, knowing that I am nearly eight years older than Katniss is when she enters the games. That is the most shocking part for me. The age of the kids involved in the games.

     I read The Hunger Games a long time ago, when they first became really popular and the first movie came out. I read them again a few years back. I decided over my reading week that I would pick up the first book and give it another go.

    But personally I like the characters. I think Katniss' personality is real. She is unpleasant, but she loves her family. She's not made for the camera; she scowls and is moody, but she does what she has to in order to survive. But that's how a lot of people are. They aren't camera ready or always perfect, the way that social media portrays us to be. It shows Katniss not being that way, which is something we can relate to, like young readers can see a character who is strong, but not by any means perfect. I like that for us.

    Peeta on the other hand is so loveable, so charismatic. He is my favourite character. I loved him the first time I read it and love him still. Peeta does all the right things, and he is so thoughtful, whether he is thinking ahead in the games, or just thoughtful with Katniss and what she needs. He loves her, and he does what he needs to in order to love her to the fullest. It's nice to read about the nice guy who wins! Nice guy is not finishing last here! He is far better than Gale in my opinion. There's something about Gale that bothers me. 

    Overall, I just think that this book is so well crafted, the details are so vivid and put such a strong mental image in my mind. I can fully immerse myself into the world of Panem, and like I mentioned before, I feel a sort of discomfort when I read, it puts me on edge, especially when Katniss and Peeta are put into the Games. I look forward to re-reading the rest of the series. I'm excited to watch the character's grow and change and adapt. 

Here's a couple of discussion/further thinking questions that I thought of while reading:

Do you blame people like Effie or people from the Capitol for encouraging the    Games? Are they are at fault or are they just conditioned and don't know any better?

Who do you like better for Katniss? Peeta or Gale? Or is she better off on her own?

Do you think that Peeta is the thoughtful, calculated player that Katniss thinks he is? Or is he just following his gut because he's in love?    

You can get this book anywhere you get your reading materials! Read and Enjoy!!

Also, enjoy the fanart I've found online! I don't know the artists, but they're so talented!


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