The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo Review

 Hello Everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted a review but I’m coming back with a strong one! I finally relented to TikTok’s constant badgering about The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I picked it up and didn’t put it down until it was finished. I finished the whole thing in one whole night.

I really had no idea what this book was about when I bought it, I just picked it up and wanted to read it after seeing it be suggested so often. First off, I loved the type of old Hollywood story that the book focused around. The story follows Hollywood starlet of the 50’s-60’s, Evelyn Hugo, and all the struggles of her life rising to fame. It goes through how she was used for her body and how she used her body to get things from powerful men because they wouldn’t show her the same respect as they did other men, unfortunately. 

The book goes through each of her husbands and the story associated with them, all while facing the struggles of not being able to be with the true love of her life. She dealt with the ups and downs of relationships and she dealt with abuse and discrimination. I really liked this twist, and spoiler alert, of Celia St. James being the true love her life. I wasn’t expecting that and I thought this was such a great twist, what with Harry helping her cover her tracks all while she covers his. I liked that this book showed that these were real things that happened to people during this time, and even to this day. It didn’t glorify it so much, and actually I really thought that Evelyn’s life was pretty well awful by the end of it. 

I liked that this book is easy to read, the language wasn’t hard or caused a lot of resistance. It wasn’t hard to get through and I flew through it. I like modern books because of the way the language flows, in comparison to most of the books I read for school, usually from the 1800’s and 1900’s. 

I would recommend this book to anyone, and I can’t believe that I took so long to read it! I hope that you enjoy it too, and you can find this book anywhere you get your books!

Read and Enjoy!!


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