The Song of Achilles Review

 After ages of seeing this book online I finally decided to read The Song of Achilles! It's the story of Achilles told by lifelong companion Patroclus, following his early years and into the Trojan War. Anyone familiar with Greek myth and story will know the basic story of Achilles but this takes it to an up close and personal level. 

To begin with, this book is beautifully written. Madeline Miller does a fantastic job of being so descriptive that the reader can see the entire story clearly in their mind without being longwinded and boring. I am really a fan of how it is written, and that is one of the first things that comes to mind when I think of this book.

The next thing is the romance and love between Patroclus and Achilles. The reader so easily will fall in love with Achilles and his passion. Everything he does is full of passion. He truly is the best of the Greeks and the way Patroclus sees him is in such a magical divine light, that you can't help but be taken with him. 

Yet, and spoiler to anyone who doesn't know the story of Achilles and the Trojan War, when Patroclus dies, I felt that pain. I felt it deep in my heart. I felt for Achilles, and the way Miller portrays their endings, unable to live without one another-it's beautifully tragic. 

This truly is a tragedy, everyone who is half decent is dead by the end of the book and it just breaks your heart, but I will still suggest this book to anyone who will listen.

One thing I wanted to note was that when I read the Iliad and the Odyssey I loved Diomedes and Odysseus. They were my favourite characters. I wasn't a huge fan of Achilles, he seemed like a cry baby. Yet reading this book, Diomedes comes off like a jerk, and Achilles is much more noble and loveable as a character. Odysseus is still the cunning hero I love. You can't tarnish perfection! 

In conclusion, I would hundred percent suggest reading this book. It's got love, action, mythology, and tragedy. It catches you in the beginning and doesn't let you go. You won't be able to put it down. It's a very popular book so you can find this book wherever you get your reading material.

Read and Enjoy!!

PS: Here is cool piece of Fan Art I saw online. I don't know who the artist is but I really like it!


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