Reading and How it is Important When Writing

 When you want to be a writer, there are some tips that come up again and again. Anyone who is anyone as a writer knows that reading is one of the most important things you can do to build up your writing skills. I spent most of my life loving to read and I can say, in terms of both casual writing and academic writing, the extensive reading list I've got under my belt has benefitted me greatly.

To begin with, reading is an excellent way to know what kind of style you like. Reading shows you what kind of books you like and what kind of writing style suits you best. Personally, I love the fantasy genre and all the books that come with it. I also love the way John Green writes. I also know that there are other ways that are just as good for writing and there are other genres that are just as interesting, but when it comes to my own writing, I love making my writing come across as conversational and the way a reader can fully immerse themselves into the fantasy world I have created. Reading books shows you your interests.

In relation to that, reading books can give you inspiration and influence. There are books that give you insight into popular culture, classic references and overall just makes your work seem more well rounded. The idea that you will read a lot of different books from different authors and genres and time periods is exciting because it gives you so much more knowledge than you would have otherwise had. It makes you and your writing overall more well rounded. I've found that reading different types of books makes me feel more prepared in my own writings.

On top of those things, and maybe most importantly to me, reading will help improve your vocabulary and your grammar. The more words you read, the more words you come across! I think in terms of this, it is also important to challenge your reading level and the books you read. Get something challenging, work through it, it will help you in the long run. It might take you a long time to get through it and you might have to look up words but that is also okay, that is how you learn. That is how I have learned. That is how I push myself to better my grammar and my vocabulary and grow as a reader and writer. Even Stephen King says that this tip is important, and clearly he is doing something right with all those best sellers. 

Overall, all I can say is the most important part of writing is reading! Pick up anything-a book, magazine, eBook, graphic novel, newspaper or article! 

Read and Enjoy!


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