Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands Review

 This review will be focusing on another Victorian literature piece called Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands written by Mary Seacole. It's more of an autobiography or memoirs of her life and career, but it isn't written in a boring way like some Victorian books. I'm not usually one for memoirs because they're often boring or run on and I just don't care to hear about their day to day, but Mrs Seacole truly did live up to the 'adventure' in her title. 

This book follows widower Mary Seacole in her career as a doctress and nurse during the Cholera pandemic and the Crimean War. She was skilled in her work and used herbal medicine or natural medicine and she was fairly effective in healing her patients. She started in Jamaica and moved to Panama and set up a hotel, running a successful business. She also ran a successful hotel in Crimea and helped soldiers along the way. 

I liked this book because Mrs Seacole is kind of a badass. She knew her stuff and she worked incredibly hard for everything she had. People would try to take advantage of her and she would outsmart them easily. She also just did whatever she wanted regardless of the fact that she was a woman or her skin colour. She faces obstacles because of these things but she doesn't let them stop her. She just keeps on going. 

I also like the way she writes her book. She writes short and to the point. There is nothing run on. She keeps her readers engaged, and it feels like a conversation. Throughout the book, though, you can see that she is also trying to cater to her Victorian British audience. She is an incredibly smart woman.

I've never heard of this book before until I read it for school this semester. I found this book interesting and cool because she talks about historical things happening but it sounds casual, like you're listening to a story. I would really suggest reading this book if you haven't. You can find this book anywhere you get your books!

Read and Enjoy!


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