Keepers of the Ark Review

 This review is going to focus on Keeper of the Ark by J. Robert
Kennedy. This book is apart of the James Acton series, though it doesn't need to be read in any particular order. This is the first James Acton adventure I've read and I followed along quite easily. 

This book follows two married professors, Laura Palmer and James Acton, who have a tendency for getting themselves into historical/archeological related trouble. This story, however, focuses on the Ark of the Covenant, like the one from the Indiana Jones movie, which they mention numerous times. The professors are tasked with creating a chamber to preserve the Ark from time and elements that have been cruel to it, all while beating out groups of treasure hunters from all over the world who want to steal it for their own gain.

I liked this book because it was like reading an action movie, and I had to offer very little brain power to follow it. It was funny, too, with bits of humour sprinkled amongst the gun fights and explosions. There was also that bit of history and myth in there, too, which is always a surefire way to peak my interest. It was a bit of a fluffy read, nothing too complex, and with the stress of exam season and the holidays, was exactly what I needed. 

I found the book comfortable to read, the action thriller cliches, the powerhouse couple who can get out of any tight scrape no matter how slim the chances, the humorous American soldiers who help the greater good, while still abiding the law, and even though the professors tend to bend the law sometimes, they are all still good friends in the end. 

There was also a bit of the beginning that was focused on prefacing the Ark of the Covenant and giving the supposed history of it in the book, making it part of the story instead of just relaying legends and things. I think the narrative part of it made it more of a sympathetic story overall. 

But, overall, I liked this book. The writing isn't the best I've ever encountered, but the plot was good, and the story was interesting and that's what kept me. Sometimes I like books like that, not the most well written stories, but the interesting ones.

This book can be found wherever you get your books, I read it on Kobo, if you like the ebook thing!

Read and Enjoy!


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