Matilda Review

 This review is going to look at Matilda by Roald Dahl. This book is very famous, what with the movie out all those years ago and it was a staple for childhood reading for generations. I read this book for school this past year and I have some thoughts on it.

I liked the book, overall. I liked the ending where she gets to stay with Miss Honey. It’s what you want to happen. I hated her parents, which is what you’re supposed to do, but I really hated them. I constantly wanted to be like, just let the girl read! So I was really happy when the father got discovered for ripping off cars and had to flee the country leaving Matilda with her teacher. 

I was a little confused when Matilda’s powers surfaced and how they were only available for a little while, but I think I wasn’t expecting the book to have this kind of content in it, meaning some kind of magical element. Yet I liked the advantage it gave Matilda over Miss Trunchbull and how she could use it to best the principal in the end. 

Miss Trunchbull is obviously awful and supposed to be hated as she is the villain but I found some of her scenes almost hard to read. I read much more violent things in other books but something about this woman and her treatment of children just bothered me so deeply that I almost couldn’t get through it. I don’t know what it was, but I’m glad she was bested in the end. 

I liked this book, I really think that an elementary aged class would love this book. I think kids like this kind of story. I mean of course they do, Roald Dahl is incredibly successful, but this would be something I would consider reading to a class, or giving to my 7-10 year old cousins. 

You can find this book at just about any book retailer, so I would suggest checking it out if you haven’t already!

Read and Enjoy!


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