
Showing posts from January, 2022

Reading and How it is Important When Writing

  When you want to be a writer, there are some tips that come up again and again. Anyone who is anyone as a writer knows that reading is one of the most important things you can do to build up your writing skills. I spent most of my life loving to read and I can say, in terms of both casual writing and academic writing, the extensive reading list I've got under my belt has benefitted me greatly. To begin with, reading is an excellent way to know what kind of style you like. Reading shows you what kind of books you like and what kind of writing style suits you best. Personally, I love the fantasy genre and all the books that come with it. I also love the way John Green writes. I also know that there are other ways that are just as good for writing and there are other genres that are just as interesting, but when it comes to my own writing, I love making my writing come across as conversational and the way a reader can fully immerse themselves into the fantasy world I have created. R

The Secret Garden Review

  This review is going to be looking at The Secret Garden  by Frances Hodgson Burnet. The book follows a little girl named Mary from Britain who was raised in India by her parents, yet when they die, she is forced to go with the only relative who they could find. Mr. Craven is an old man who keeps a huge mansion with impressive grounds and she is free to do whatever she pleases, but she does not know how to go about this.  Mary is used to being spoiled and taken care of to the point where she does not know how to dress herself. The few servants in the mansion were not able to take her requests seriously and help her the way she wanted them to. Mary in the beginning of the book sort of reminds me of Briony from Atonement , in terms of her attitude. Briony is also a selfish, spoiled brat.  Yet, throughout the book Mary learns to become a better person, a kinder person, caring, and overall enjoying her new life at the mansion better than she ever imagined. She makes friends with two boys,