
Showing posts from November, 2022

Milk and Honey Review

  Hello! It's been a while, but I've been in school. Lots of reading, but not much time for reviewing. For one of my classes I had to read Milk and Honey  by Rupi Kaur. I read this book in high school when it was published, but I hadn't picked it up since.  I loved this book when I read it the first time. I thought it was so emotional and powerful. But I realize now, after reading it as an adult, some six or seven years later, that it is far more emotional and powerful than I originally thought.  The poems touch on a lot of different things, with most of the focus being on some aspect of a relationship or sex. Some of that can be hard to read, especially if you have had a traumatizing experience with either of those things. For me, I found some of the things she wrote hard to read, the words she uses hitting me particularly hard. There is one poem where she compares a part of a sexual interaction with the scraping of the inside of a cantaloupe. The words create an image tha